Saturday, June 13, 2009


All of the Elder's in our new lava lavas
Erin and Jaime Lopez Baptism!!!! Snow in early May!!! BRRRRRR

Montana in May (this is the view from our apartment)

My dog bite...
Hey everyone,
How are things in good 'ol Mesa, AZ? All is well here in Whitefish. The weather is starting to warm up a bit, we had our last snow in early May! We are still working on some of our investigators. Mike is still having trouble with his smoking and the other day we went by to check on him and he was drinking a BudLight! I seriously got after him for that... he still comes to church and continues to learn!

We met with Stephanie, she is still afraid of what her family would say about her getting baptized, she feels all alone! I was reminded of a story I told her about a lady who was in the same position, no family there for her, she was also scared of what her family might say about her becoming a member of the church, but she was filled with the spirit and knew what was right, this lady I speak of is my mom! Now, Stephanie wants to set her baptismal date!

Erin and Jamie Lopez were baptized, I was blessed to baptise Erin and Elder Best baptized Jamie. We are so happy for them; our eyes were filled with tears. They are making steps to be an eternal family with their 17 month old son, Ethan.

We then had a not so good day, We were tracting and this guy met us in the driveway with a rifle and started cussing at us, then spit right in my face!! I was so angry, but then I felt the Spirit and I simply said, "Sorry sir, have a nice day!" It was a bitter sweet experience!

It was great to talk to everyone on Mother's Day, it was like a breath of fresh air! I even heard my little nephew Benjamin's voice!

We had to say goodbye to Elder Best, he has completed his mission and has headed for home, he was an awesome companion! My new companion's name is Elder Welch, he is from Provo, UT! We teach well together.

The work is still moving forward. I love missionary work, even if you get bit by a dog, YES I was bitten by a dog, but I am almost healed!

I am thankful for the blessing of eternal families. This church is true, I love the Lord, The Gospel is True!!!!

Love from Montana,
Elder Jordan Unga

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Montana is So Beautiful!!
Zone Conference

Elder Kreimeyer and Elder Unga: The Bad Boy's Of Montana!!

Beautiful Whitefish at night!
The interior decorating sure is different in Montana!!

Tracting in Whitefish

Ice Skating in the parking lot

Hey family,

I have a new companion, his name is Elder Best, he's awesome! We sing a lot, in fact we sang in sacrament meeting and it went good. We sang, "I need thee Every Hour." I love that song! It carries a spirit that you feel each time it's sung!

Our investigators are coming along nicely, it's amazing how strong the spirit is when you are teaching! Stephanie committed to baptism. I'm so excited and very proud of her!

Elder Best and I did a service project on a farm. We moved chickens, like we picked them up and moved them to another coop, it was quite the experience. I can honestly say, I have a new respect for farmers. It was cool but I probably won't be eating chicken for a while, haha!

It is still very cold here in Whitefish, the temperature is anywhere from the low 30's to the single digits... BRRRR!!! You start to get used to it, sort of!! We were tracting the other day, there isn't too many people out walking around in this cold but we met up with Howard, he is quite the character. He told us that he knows only 3 things in life; 1- Ghosts are real, 2-Satan is after him, and 3-He is a prophet... Well, we were like, ok, this guy is WEIRD! We sat him down and taught him what a prophet really is, the spirit came with so much force and Howard felt it, he came to church Sunday! We'll see what happens.

I love you all and I am blessed to have you in my life! This is the true church and Jesus Christ is at the head of it! I love you all,
Elder Unga

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictures from the MTC

Studying hard at the MTC
Working hard in the call center

Studying the scriptures

Elder Unga and Elder Conway

Elder Unga and Elder Clifford

I'm so excited!!! :)

January 14, 2009

Dear Family,
I'm in Whitefish, Montana. My companion Elder Kreimeyer is awesome. He is from Payson, AZ and a track star, so we both work out every morning pretty hard!! It is so awesome here! My 1st day, my first investigator we committed these two girls into baptism. I'm excited for them but they smoke :( We got to get them to stop smoking, but thats how it is here. We were talkin to this guy named Travis that we tracked into and he went through 2 packs of smokes just in the 30 minutes we were talking to him. I was gross but he is cool, he knows a lot about the Bible. He does not believe in the Book of Mormon! He will though. We got a whole lesson plan planned out for him next week!! A lot of people are here that don't believe in the Book of Mormon. I CAN'T WAIT TO TEACH THEM!!! haha

When we go tracting its nothing but people cussing us out and slamming the door. It gets kinda chilly here sometimes but its not that bad, honestly. We walk everywhere, but its good though. :) The members here are AMAZING. They feed you really good here. My pants ripped, I'm gaining so much weight, so I gotta get them sewed sometime soon haha.

Wow! I'm so happy we have about 9 instigators. 6 of them I was there for their first lesson, but they are all showing signs for baptism!! I'm so excited. We tracted into this lady who's name is Kaysha. I gave out my 1st Book of Mormon to her. The spirit was so strong and that lesson went great! We are gonna commit her to baptism for out next visit. I'm so excited!!!
The gospel is so true and I love you all so much! Keep the letters coming. I look forward to them! I love you all so much and miss you all tons!
I love you for always,
Elder Unga

January 7, 2009

Dear Family,
Right now I'm on a bus and I'm on my way from Billings to Missoula. It's about a 8 1/2 hour bus ride all by myself. hahaha It's ok though, I'm sitting on the back of the bus.

So, I'm in Montana and I'm not that cold. Don't get me wrong, I'm cold but I thought it would be worse!! I'll probably get to Missoula around 12:00 midnight, hopefully earlier. I am LOVING this!! Once I get to Missoula I will stay with Elder Stantage and Elder Mall, then get up around 5:00 AM, eat, get changed and leave for Kalispell, Montana, then I will be picked up and brought to Whitefish, where it is my 1st area! YEAH. I'm so EXCITED!! I can't wait to get there.

Don't ever, ever, EVER worry about me. I'm protected at all times in all places and I'm just absolutely loving it!!! :) I can't believe I'm here! I cannot wait to get there!!! I hear that Whitefish is really cold, but one of the most beautiful places that Montana has to offer. It's very pretty here. Many mountains, LOTS of open space. Beautiful but cold.
I love and miss you all so much! The gospel is true!! I love you all!!!
Love always,
Elder Unga

January 6, 2009

Dear Family!!!
HEY GUYS!! Wow! I am in Montana. I can't believe it. Our flight was good. I love you all so much. Right now I'm at the mission home in Montana. I met President Fisher today and he is awesome! He has a lot of expectations. He is awesome!! Our goal as a whole mission is 50 baptisms a month and an investigator a week for each companionship! He is very very strict and to the point, but boy do I love it!! He asked me in my interview if I had any questions and I said, "Lets just get to work" he said, "GOOD BOY, I LOVE YOU!!!" haha he is so awesome. :)

I find out who I am serving with and where tomorrow morning when I wake up!! :) I'm SO EXCITED!!! I can't believe that the MTC is done and over with. I thought I learned a lot there but President said you have not learned anything yet!! I'M SO EXCIETED TO GET TO WORK!!! The gospel is true and I love you all and miss you tons!!!

Love eternally,
Elder Unga

I found out where my first area is tonight!! I'll be serving in Whitefish, MT area, a new area full of investigators :) YEAH!! My companion's name is Elder Kreimeyer. I'll meet him probably on Thursday so Friday I'll be knockin on doors :) :) He is not only my trainer, but he is the district leader. This is so cool!!!