Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hey family,

I have a new companion, his name is Elder Best, he's awesome! We sing a lot, in fact we sang in sacrament meeting and it went good. We sang, "I need thee Every Hour." I love that song! It carries a spirit that you feel each time it's sung!

Our investigators are coming along nicely, it's amazing how strong the spirit is when you are teaching! Stephanie committed to baptism. I'm so excited and very proud of her!

Elder Best and I did a service project on a farm. We moved chickens, like we picked them up and moved them to another coop, it was quite the experience. I can honestly say, I have a new respect for farmers. It was cool but I probably won't be eating chicken for a while, haha!

It is still very cold here in Whitefish, the temperature is anywhere from the low 30's to the single digits... BRRRR!!! You start to get used to it, sort of!! We were tracting the other day, there isn't too many people out walking around in this cold but we met up with Howard, he is quite the character. He told us that he knows only 3 things in life; 1- Ghosts are real, 2-Satan is after him, and 3-He is a prophet... Well, we were like, ok, this guy is WEIRD! We sat him down and taught him what a prophet really is, the spirit came with so much force and Howard felt it, he came to church Sunday! We'll see what happens.

I love you all and I am blessed to have you in my life! This is the true church and Jesus Christ is at the head of it! I love you all,
Elder Unga

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